I counsel a lot of people who are interested in leaving fairly staid corporate jobs for greener pastures—namely start-ups or small agencies. They fantasize that these new environments will provide all kinds of fresh thinking and ways of doing business and that they themselves will be respected and appreciated as elder statesmen with the gravitas and savoir-faire that are just the thing that was missing.
Read MoreI’ve been interviewing college grads in their 20’s for my upcoming book and career curriculum In the Driver’s Seat: Work-Life Navigation Skills for Young Adults. And one of the things I’m finding is that not everyone who’s “successful” at 28 attended a top college. This is not surprising but definitely merits conversation.
Read MoreI am a tail-end Baby Boomer, but think more like a Gen X’er. But I’m still a far cry from Gen Y, a generation I’ve grown to enjoy and admire immensely. Gen Y has a suppleness of thinking combined with an inherent need to share—everything is documented and discussed. Which means we can all benefit from Gen Y wisdom, if we so choose, by simply going on Facebook, Brazen, or Twitter.
Read MoreI read a good post yesterday called “The Shocking Reason Social Networking Isn’t Getting You a Job”. The post brings up a great point: many people out there networking will disappoint you at best and burn you, at worst. There are many ways to protect yourself from rude people, both on and off the internet. But my question to you today is: Are you one of them?
Read MoreIn the interviews I’ve been conducting for my project In the Driver’s Seat: Work-Life Navigation Skills for Young Adults, I hear loads of complaints about college career counseling. Very few Gen Y’s a few years out of college have good things to say about that aspect of their alma mater.
Read MoreThis has been a terrible job market for new college grads and many are still unemployed after having graduated in…2009! Now that fall’s here, many parents with kids who have moved from college back home are asking: “What’s going wrong?”
Read MoreYou may have heard me wax poetic about LinkedIn, for career developers, as well as job seekers. But there’s one area where Facebook has it beat, and that’s when it comes to wanting to connect with a specific group of people on a particular topic.
Read MoreSince I’m interviewing members of Generation Y for my new practice and book helping young adults connect school and work, I’m privy to all kinds of career-life constructs that makes this generation stand out from, say, the Baby Boomers.
Read MoreI am in the process of interviewing 100 Millenials about their careers and I’ve got some great material already.
Read MoreThis week I attended a conference called the Wall Street Forum: Reinventing Your Career for the ‘New’ Wall Street. It was organized by Jane Newton, a partner at RegentAtlantic Capital, and it attracted a group of about 100 senior women, either on Wall Street, or transitioning to or from.
Read MoreToday is of course Mother’s Day, and I’d like to suggest you all think about the impact your mother has had on your career—both positive and negative. Maybe your mother worked when you were growing up and maybe she didn’t, but if you think about it, it is likely that her choices affected the ones you’ve made in your career, to some degree.
Read MoreOne of the things that drives me crazy about resumes–and I look at a lot of them–is when people don’t put a Summary on the top of their resume.
Read MoreI am the mother of two teenagers, aged 13 and 16. Last year, when my son was in 9thgrade, I began using the techniques I’ve honed in my practice to help him become aware of his strengths and interests, and more purposeful about using them through his coursework and summer experiences. Given my frustration with the lack of a system for planning the high school-college-career trajectory, it seemed ideal to help my own child develop a program for himself.
Read MoreI’m featured in a new book about launching your career, and at the risk of being a bit commercial, I wanted to tell you about it.
Chris Perry of Career Rocketeer has accumulated brand spanking new advice from some top career experts, each of whom has written a chapter for this book.
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