
Career Connector Blog

Does Your Child Have a Summer Internship Yet?


This is the question on everyone’s lips, and the pressure will continue to intensify as we move toward May. Despite the fact that there are myriad websites devoted to summer internships for college and grad students, there are still too few resources out there for teenagers.

LinkedIn has just launched a new student portal, a great introduction to the world of networking. It’s a good start, but it’s for college and grad students only. However, it’s good practice to put a profile together and start networking, even if you haven’t yet gotten to college.

Youtern just recently started adding listings for teenagers, and you can create alerts to track internships as they come in. Founder Mark Babbitt says, “Many posting employers are more than accepting of a high school senior (or maybe even a junior) as interns.” When you register as a high school student, you need to fudge the information a bit but you can correct it later with a hiring manager. Babbitt says an upcoming version of the site will feature drop down menus friendly to teens.

TeenLife has a good section with ideas on how to find internships for teens. Although it’s mostly focused on the Boston area, it does list ideas that are useful wherever you are. They include a listing of websites, most of which feature jobs or adventures for teens.

If I’ve forgotten a good listing, please get in touch.