
Career Connector Blog

Keeping Your Career Healthy in a Sick Economy


Today’s New York Times features a piece called “Staying Healthy in a Sick Economy”. It caught my attention. This particular article talked about staying fit, a particular obsession of mine, but it got me thinking about other wellness issues that can crop up during times of stress.

One of the reasons I became a career advisor is I strongly believe we all need other people to help guide us and boost us on a regular basis. I’ve mentioned in other posts the idea of selecting a personal “board of directors”, because we all benefit from the advice of those we respect. It is not a sign of weakness to ask others to help, but the ask should be specific. And that is where coaching comes in. Finding a partner during a time of change or crisis is an excellent investment in your mental health. Making a career or life change is always tough, but it doesn’t have to be debilitating. It’s incredibly helpful to have someone in your corner.

Now most of us don’t have to hire people to be in our corner, we have friends and family members who love and care about us. But having a coach is very different from having a spouse; this person is focused on a particular aspect of your life–in my case, your career–and is bringing his or her professional experience to bear on your issue. That means that your change will probably happen a lot faster, more efficiently, and with better results. And you will protect yourself from spiraling downward during a stressful time. Now that’s a good investment. So drink your milk, go to the gym, and if your career is under stress, find a good coach.