
Career Connector Blog

Networking Oblivion

Are you a good networker, even a great one? Do you invest plenty of time in LinkedIn, steadily building your contacts and sharing posts and other information with the group? Are you a faithful tweeter? Do you tend to see the possibilities in people, wanting to meet them instead of worrying about wasting your time?

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How To Not Be a Boring Speaker

I have a number of presentations and workshops coming up this fall, and I’ve been thinking about how to structure my talks for maximum value and interest. In my research, I found a Tim Sanders blog post with a phrase that particularly bears repeating: “Do your research about the audience, where they need to be moved to, and how that intersects with your expertise or experiences.”

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LinkedIn Lessons: How to Stand Out and Level the Playing Field

This is a guest post by HR consultant Judy Lindenberger on one of my favorite topics: standing out on LinkedIn.

I love LinkedIn. It’s one of the best networking tools out there to help you expand your reach. It’s “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” for the business world. But it can be a big, foreign maze. To stand out in the LinkedIn crowd, here are ten quick tips:

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Should You Change Your Major to Agree with Your Myers-Briggs Type?

Penelope Trunk’s blog post today on what college students should do now offers some great wisdom. But the one tip that really caught my eye was her suggestion to take a Myers-Briggs test to understand what you’re good at. She also suggests that if your score doesn’t agree with your chosen major, you should change it.

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What Works in Any Job Market

I just read a depressing statistic about the job market for new grads. According to a new study by Rutgers University, U.S. college graduates from 2011 have almost half of the graduates from 2010 to compete with in the job market.

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A Co-op Program for Gen Y’s

I read an excellent blog post on Brazen Careerist called “Are Recent College Grads a Lost Generation?”

After citing the high unemployment rates for recent college grads, the author argues that little is currently being made of the excellent co-op programs that universities like Northeastern have relied on for many years. A co-op program enables students to take semesters off to work in positions related to their subject and career interests, making them excellent candidates for hire upon graduation.

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