
Career Connector Blog

Caroline Kennedy as Role Model

A story in the New York Times today really caught my eye. Entitled “Coming Up Short as a Role Model for the Mommy Track”, it compares Caroline Kennedy’s unceremonious exit from senate candidacy to the story of the first woman to attend Citadel in 1993 (she dropped out after just one week). Here’s the link, it’s a good read: 

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How Not To Be Down in a Down Market

I’m generally pretty good about maintaining a positive attitude and I know what to do to keep my equilibrium. But man, reading the paper these days makes you want to jump off the nearest bridge. There’s just endless bad news.

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Keeping Your Career Healthy in a Sick Economy

Today’s New York Times features a piece called “Staying Healthy in a Sick Economy”. It caught my attention. This particular article talked about staying fit, a particular obsession of mine, but it got me thinking about other wellness issues that can crop up during times of stress.

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Getting the Phone to Ring

I received a comment on my last entry–about my friend who recently went back to work — which I believe deserves its own topic. Here is the question as posed: “It’s just intimidating that she was getting all these calls about jobs – didn’t she have to do SOMETHING to make that happen? Otherwise I am lost – my phone never rings with job offers!”

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What They're Doing Now

In the past month I’ve spent time planning something I never thought much about: my 30th high school reunion. While I went to a really good small high school where everyone knew each other, I never really felt like my high school years delivered the optimal experience. Call me a late bloomer, but I have always preferred my adult life to the years that came before. So I didn’t really keep in touch with people, even though I had some good friendships lasting throughout.

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Going Back to Work: The Thrill

A friend of mine just went back to work after having spent many years doing lots of other things: raising multiple children, consulting, contributing as a board member to her pet causes. She is a person of great energies and interests and always felt that when the time was right, she’d return to full-time work. Her main concern was that she had so many responsibilities outside of work that ultimately she would be derailed. Or go crazy.

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